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The Auro School (TAS) is managed by Sri Aurobindo Complex Trust (SACT) under the direct guidance of Sri Aurobindo Society (SAS), Pondicherry, which is the parent organisation. Managing Trustee of SACT is the Chairman of TAS.

Sri Aurobindo Society

Sri Aurobindo Society was started by the Mother in 1960. She was not only the founder and the Executive President; she remains its guiding force. From a very small beginning, over the years, the Society has grown into an international organization working in diverse fields of life. The Society is a not-for-profit NGO, working throughout the world for individual perfection, social transformation, and human unity in diversity.

SAS has been recognised by the Government of India as a Research Institute and an Institution of National Importance. Its main areas of activities include education, health, management, rural development, sustainable development, Indian culture, youth, women, media, arts and communication, business and economic development, science and technology.

Sri Aurobindo Society seeks to bring dynamic spirituality into material life and its activities. Sri Aurobindo Society is working in diverse fields of transformative education and has established schools of repute across the country since more than 4 decades under the brand name of AuroSchools.

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Sri Aurobindo Complex Trust

SACT has its registered office at Sri Aurobindo Complex, JP Nagar-Bangalore. The premises surrounded by grown up trees, lush green lawns and a large lotus model meditation hall provides the right ambience for an unforgettable experience. Sri Aurobindo Complex is also the headquarters of Sri Aurobindo Society, Karnataka.

Activities at Sri Aurobindo Complex include regular Meditation classes, Yogasana classes, Study Circle meets, Cultural Programs, Music classes, Discourses and talks on several topics of human development in the light of teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Prayer meets, Publication of books etc. also form part of its activities.

Sri Aurobindo Complex also has ‘Mirambika School For New Age’ , an Integral education School affiliated to CBSE and with 1000 children

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